Pomodoro Technique:

Fatima Chaudhry
3 min readAug 20, 2020

Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by “Francesco Cirillo” in the late 1980’s.

This technique uses a timer to break work in to intervals. Traditionally 25 minutes in length for a work, followed by a break of 3–5 minutes. And this process continues until the work is done completely. Each interval is known as a Pomodoro, from the Italian word for ‘tomato’

So, I have used this technique while doing an online course. And the results were quite impressive. I always got distracted from my work easily. And couldn’t be able to focus it again. But as soon as I came to know about this technique, I couldn’t resist my self to do it practically as soon as possible!

I decided to apply this technique while doing an online course. I set an alarm for the next 25 minutes. And I started doing my section 2 of the online course which is on “business writing.”

I started with full focus and than after sometime as I have mentioned earlier, about distractions..my Whatsapp notification pops up but as I have set my goal, to focus entirely on my work for this 25 minutes. I didn’t break my promise.

And after 25 minutes I took a break for less than 5 minutes in which I answered the text and took a sip of water. Than I came back up on my work station again, and applied this technique till the section no 2 of the online course is done completely.

I felt super happy and satisfied after applying this technique in my work. This is a very easy technique to follow. And it’s a best technique, if you got easily distracted while doing an important task. It enhances your productivity, if its followed properly.

I will definitely apply this technique more often in my routine. As it has increased my productivity while doing an online course.

But I still faced some distractions while applying it but that’s the problem at my end. I will try to improve my experience next time by making sure to off the notifications for that particular time!

It’s no doubt that continuous effort is important to improve your productivity.

As it’s rightly said by Paul J Meyer;

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.”

